How did you get the info for the port and irq.  The
port number somehow does not look correct to me. 
cat /proc/devices and check to get the port number and
the irq from there, and then use it for the setserial
command. If you already have done it, then my
knowledge is exhausted! 

Once you do the setserial it will work for the
duration of the current boot.  That is why you should
put in the rc.d/... files to make it work on every
boot (as you have done so). 

--- Rob and Shelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How do I get my modem to connect? It works fine in
> Win98,
> but I can't get Linux to use my modem.
> My modem is am ActionTec 56k pci internal modem.
> It has documents that say that this modem is
> verified for Redhat 5.2 and 6.0. This should work
> with Mandrake 6.5 right?
> On my KDE desktop, I can also access my Win files,
> but not my modem?
> Here is what I have done so far...
> As root I went to my dev directory.
> then I did the following command.
> # ./MAKEDEV ttyS2  (my modem is on COM3)
> then I did...
> # ln -s /dev/ttyS2 /dev/modem/
> #chmod 666 /dev/ttyS2
> #chmod 666 /dev/modem
> next I did...
> # setserial /dev/modem uart 16550A port 0xd401 irq
> 11
> Then I went to set up my account in Kppp.
> When I query modem, there is no responce.
> I have even went to my /etc/rc.d/ directory and
> inserted the following line in my rc.local file as
> the last line in that file.
> "set serial /dev/modem uart 16550A port 0xd401 irq
> 11"
> Well, I hope this is enough info for someone to help
> me with this.
> Thanks,
> Rob
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