Thank you very much ALAN for at least reading my posts.  I know about the
upper and lower case on that, did it to show I was on the Windows side
from Linux.  I have an 'Icon' on my desktop for accessing the DOS side
that was setup by Linux, if I remember correctly.  

Phewy, I have never had to read sooo many messages on any of these NEWBY
sites before, the first time I down loaded 74 messages and when I had
answered some and read all and did the reposting, I downloaded 51
messages, now how many am I to receive now?   Yes that is a long
sentence, wanted to make the point that there are a large number of
people answering these messages.  This is really GREAT, maybe I will
learn something from all of this.  

Again Al thanks,


I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
But now I know that what I thought I knew
Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.

On Tue, 14 Mar 2000 16:33:43 -0800 Alan Shoemaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> don....I believe that if you change the mount point directory
> (/mnt/DOS_hda1) to one without uppercase characters in it
> (/mnt/dos_hda1) then the hang will no longer occur.
> Alan
> > 
> > Was in as 'root' attempting to setup my 'wheel mouse' as had been
> > explained earlier.  Well my window to 'DOS_hda1' stopped 
> responding and
> > when I attempted to 'xkill', NOTHING, NO response from the KYBD 
> nor when
> > I clicked on the 'Icon' for 'xkill'.  So I did the 'X' to close 
> down and
> > then it completely froze.  Had to use the CPU tower RESET, in 
> Windows now
> > so I could send this out to you.
> > 
> > Will go back in as 'root' later, have to work on supper at this 
> time.
> > 
> > I am not looking for any assistance at this time, just letting 
> people
> > know that Linux/Mandrake Complete 7.0 will HANG as well for no 
> apparent
> > reason.
> > 
> > 'C' ya' later,
> > 
> > don
> > 
> > I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
> > But now I know that what I thought I knew
> > Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.
> > 
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