Does "locate" find symbolic links?

The reason I ask is because I'm trying to install the blackdown jre so that
entering just "java" will start it. I deleted all the kaffe stuff and every
instance of "java" that I could find. I put the new jre on the path. But
when I enter "java" I get:
[root@wsrc206 bin]# java
bash: /usr/bin/java: No such file or directory  

..which tells me that somewhere there's a symlink pointing to
/usr/bin/java. No?

But a "locate" after a fresh "updatedb" does not turn up any instances of
"java" other than directory names and the new "java" of the blackdown

Entering the full path of the new java works fine.
Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
Using Linux to get where I want to go...

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