dear friends...

i ever post this question before but only one person who replied the
answer. so i would like to ask again:
Do you guys could seen colors in terminals for Lynx and Vim ?
Here i have some terminal in my system: Xterm, Kvt, Konsole, Aterm &
Eterm. I usually use Aterm and Eterm (make them shade and transparent)
with my WindowMaker, this is Mandrake 6.1 with the latest version of
those terminals.
Only Kvt who seems to be normal, but its nothing to be compared with Eterm/Aterm
:-P (you cant see your wallpaper through it ;)

i use Vim and Lynx a lot 
and i hate to see underline text where its supposed to be colored :-(


If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do
have a problem.
                -- Richard Bach, "Illusions"

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