Roger Bird wrote:

> I finally got linux to recognize my nic but I need help with configuring
> it to access the cable modem.  I have tried various settings in netcfg
> and netconfig.  Should I be running dhcp?  Should I take out all the
> settings and start from scratch?
> The nic works fine on my win98 drive and accesses @home just fine.
> HELP!!
> Thank you
> Roger Bird
> Toronto, Ontario
> PS.  What a great install program!

I live in Toronto area too...i am Shaw@Home
@home uses dhcp, here is how to set that up in Mandrake
make sure you have dhcpcd installed, to make sure type    which dhcpcd
run netcfg, goto interfaces tap, you should see eth0 if you don't see that
that means your nic is your working probably
now select eth0 and click Edit. now change the interface configuration
protocol to dhcp. make suere that you don't type anyting in other fields.
and reboot!!!!

if it doesn't work mail me

Toronto, On

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