I'm using Linux Mandrake (6.1 I believe) on a PC with an Ethernet card
to connect myself to the Internet using ADSL.
Up to 2 weeks ago, that worked fine. I used PAP identification and
everything was OK. Recently, the system changed from PAP to CHAP.
I updated the chap-secrets file, and now I can connect again to
the Internet (ifconfig says ppp0 is up, I can ping a machine), but
- I can't get even a local web page (local = on the ISP's server) to load
- I can't load more than 10 or 15 mails in my mailbox from the pop
server of the ISP : it looks as though some traffic comes from the
ISP and suddenly it's restricted and going down to zero.

Does anyone around have an idea as to what I might have misconfigured ?
Do I need a special configuration for HTTP access that I might have
had by default before, and that might have changed since then whithout
my noting it ?

Thanks if you can provide me with any help at all since I'm completely

Vincent DECOUX

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