:~>                  I just installed Mandrake 7.0 a few hours ago by using
:~>my cdrom to boot the
:~>                  installation up.
:~>                  When I try to access any of my cds in the /mnt/cdrom,
:~>it says it can't read the
:~>                  disk.
:~>                  I set the thing up properly & in the control panel it
:~>says it's there, but won't
:~>                  read any of the disks, not even the cd I installed
:~>Mandrake from!
:~>                  My floppy drive isn't working either.

Take a look at /etc/lilo.conf

If it says something like ide=scsi, you have to access your IDE cdrom
(CDRW, more likely!) as if it were a scsi device. Probably /dev/scd0.
see the boot messages in /var/log/messages

Mag^H^H^HDr. Denis Havlik  <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
Mandrakesoft            |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Austria                (@ @)       tel: (++431) 4277/51179         

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