
ya know what.. I had the EXACT same problems and it was annoying as hell..
My suggestion is goto www.kxicq.org and download the RPM for Redhat 6.1...
I installed it on my Mandrake v7.0 box and it works like a charm.. Real
nice program.. there's a few things aesthetically that I don't like, but it
works REAL well and that's more valuable to me.. :)


Sujeevan wrote:

> I have MDK 7.02 installed and I use Licq to talk to friends. when ever I
> receive a message that's long, I get funny characters, i have to see the
> history to read the message. This also happens when I type. I have to
> use enter to make the line smaller so that i won't get those funny
> characters.
> Thanx in advance!!!
> Sujeevan R
> Toronto, ON

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