my name is chadley wilson i head up the technical department of WIL-SUN
our company objectives are to  bring technology to rural schools and
businesses in south africa.
our mission at present is to get linux up and running.

so i present the first of my difficulties
MY OS  Mandrake 7.2

1) when i setup my system with its network card and the installation is
complete. i can ping and telnet all the other computers on our network.
    only my Kppp connection does not work, first i get  ppp daemon died
unexpectantly and the other is that the browser hangs, and i have tried
lynx ;netscape; and kde browser. none seem to
    if i go to linux conf and change my ip address to (loop
back) then my internet works but no network
    now i am using genius pci eth0 cards and external modems and i don't

want to route through a windows box for my internet connection. i want
to be able to dial out only when i need to and run
    my network at the same time.
2) i have an AWE64 isa (a) sound card by creative and this is what
mdk7.2 has to say about that "/lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/misc/sb.o:
init_module: Device or resource busy

sound:Device or resource busy"
    so i have done some poking around and found in LOTHAR that there are

four unknown devices made by acer there, i don't know  what they are or
how to get rid of them but i am sure that
    they are the  reason the sound card wont work.
here's details
it says :
other devices:
Acer Laboratories inc. M1541
Acer Laboratories inc. M5243
Acer Laboratories inc. M5237
Acer Laboratories inc. M1533
Acer Laboratories inc. M5229

the very bad news i don't have anything from acer not even on the
network and i have checked all the pcs the only thing that might be
suspect is my LG. cd writer. only everything worked fine
with mandrake 6.5

3)lastly when i am online using kppp my terminal refuses to open
    i think i might need to recompile my kernel but i dont know what i
am doing and so have not done it any suggestions pse

thanks in advance
all help is greatly appreciated
chadley wilson
technical manager WIL-SUN PC SYSTEMS

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