
I run 'soundconfig' in an Xterm each time i configure my sound, it
brings up a Yamaha OPL3-SAx driver which it is, and thus makes a mixer
available to adjust volume and the CD-Player then works. Though enabling
sound in KDE Control Centre and trying to play any sounds or having
sound enabled in Windows through VMware, freezes linux at a point when
sound and a command are occuring at the same time. The only way to
escape this freeze is to totally reboot and go through a forced check,
very time consuming.

I have compiled several kernels in the past, but each time I select my
sound card either modulized or not, or even with different settings,
everytime it is failing and eventually I need to recompile with no sound
card selected and use 'soundconfig' in an Xterm.

Lothar was just the same, could see the card, knew the settings, but as
soon as you press enter a 'FAIL' comes up and no matter what changes you
make to the settings it always comes back the same.

Does anyone out there have any suggestions or know if Kernel 2.4 is
going to be any better.

Thankyou, if you can help,


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