Hi Folks!

Having used Mandrake6.1 for a couple of months I decided
to did deep and buy through Cheapbytes version 7.0, the $1.99
single CD one :-)
After a huge amount of hassles because the installation
took offence to my hardware (Pentium200mmx, noname Mobo,
64mb ram, and S3Virge PCI) I finally managed to get it running.
Now whilst I would in no way want to belittle the great work being
done by the Mandrake team and associated Hackers, after looking
around it a bit I wonder to myself if it would not have been possible to
expand the already cool update system to update 6.1 to 7.0 instead of
having to either download a complete ISO or buy a CD.
You know what I mean, there is that update Icon on the desktop.

Just a thought, for what it's worth.....

On a totally different subject, the new Installation system is somewhat
buggy I think.
It seems to occasionally "jump" stages, in particular the rather critical
of root and user password.
You can go back to it, but it is a trap for young players, ending up with
a fully functional Linux system that can't be logged into :-(
Also the package selection tree is a little bit difficult to use as the only
way that you can see if you have added or removed packages is by 
keeping an eye on the total installation size.
Another small issue is that if you don't have a floppy drive, even if
you select NOT to create a boot floppy, it bugs you for all the rest of the 
installation that it can't find the drive or something similar...

I know that I am being a bit picky, but as this distribution is aimed
at lobotomized Windoze users these small bugs could possibly
scare the poor dears away.....

That's all for now folks...


Michael Perry.
R&D. Dep. Netafim Magal.
<<<<Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack>>>>

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