Hi. I’m having some problems installing Mandrake Linux 7.0 on my Texas 
Instruments laptop and I’d appreciate some help. I realise that laptops can be 
very problematic, but it’s all I have at the moment, so I would like to 
install linux on it if possible. I’ll explain the history of my problems a bit 
so that noone wastes their time writing answers that I already know. However, 
my main questions involve being able to run the autoboot (from DOS) in text 
mode, and also the files necessary for an installation from the hard drive (in 
a DOS partition).

My laptop can only have the CD _or_ the floppy drive in at the one time, not 
both. And as my CDROM is not bootable, I thought that the 2nd installation 
option (running autoboot from DOS) would be best. At first I had problems with 
it hanging, but that was resolved with the new autoboot file from the Mandrake 
website. However, a later problem with an error number 111 (errno=111) cropped 
up and I was told that it was a problem recognising my monitor or video card. 
I was also told that it could be avoided by running the installation in text 
mode. I couldn’t see how to do that with the autoboot file, so I moved onto 
the next installation mode.

Next problem was the text mode installation. I copied the boot_txt.img file 
onto a floppy (with rawrite) and the installation went swimmingly until it 
asked me to insert the CDROM, or where it was, or something similar. Now, I 
can’t boot from a floppy and then change the floppy and the CDROM over, so I 
can’t see how I can proceed that way.

I thought about an installation from the hard drive, but I don’t have that 
much space, and I wouldn’t be able to copy all of the files from the CD to the 
hard drive. If there were only about 100MB of files to copy and I knew which 
ones they were, then it would be OK, but at the moment it doesn’t seem to be 
an option.

So, eventually, we come to my questions.
1. Does anyone know a way to get autoboot to run in text mode? That would, I 
believe, solve all of my problems.

2. What are the minimum files that must be loaded onto the hard drive for this 
installation, and how do you get this method to run in text mode? (with the 
boot_txt.img that I made, it seemed to assume that it was to be a loading from 

3. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I’d prefer not to have to use 
another distribution, like Debian, if possible, as I have the Mandrake disk 

So, if anyone can help me with my problem, I’d really appreciate it. Thanks in 


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