x86 is a type of processor, specifically Intel-compatible (also include AMD).
You have one, so don't worry about it.

Yes, you can download it. It comes in a .tar.gz file if I remember correctly.
Then type "tar -xvzf the_tarred_file.tar.gz" and it'll create a new directory
for you. Go into that new directory, and "su" to root. Then type "./setup" and
a really cool GUI screen will come up to walk you through the rest of the
installation. It's really quite impressive, almost as if you are installing a
Windows program. After you get done installing it, you can run it by typing

> I am going to download star office from www.sun.com it said choose a
> platform so I chose "Linux(x86 ONLY)" what is an x86, but the main
> question I want to know is can i download it?, How do I install it?, How
> do I run it? or How do I configre it?...please answer me...

Anthony Huereca
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