sure no problem just buy yourself a controller card...

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Gunther C. Hebein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Verzonden: Friday, March 24, 2000 11:17 AM
Onderwerp: [newbie] Some technical question

Maybe this is not the right forum to post this request, but I don't know
ehere else to post:
I have a iPentium180MhZ, 96 MB. Two CD-Roms are connected to the
First-Ide_Channel, two HDD to the Second one, one Cd-Rom to the sound
card. I am about to buy a 20 GB harddrive, but I dont know where to
connect it to, as I dont want to remove any of the drives. 
Is it possible to buy a second EIDE-Card for some more drives,d oes
Linux/Win98 work with that?
Thanx in advance

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