
I went to the TUCOWS website and downloaded the 'Winrar' 2.7Beta2 and
used that one.  I could not get any response from the other location that
had the 2.7Beta3.  I used WinZip to unzip them to the "...rar and ...r0?"
files.  The Beta2 works great, actually when I started on running the
Winrar on those files they came up with a 'name change window' and after
the first two files I went in through Windows Explorer to make the other
changes.  Then everything went smooth as silk.  They all become one .pdf
file and is readable in Adobe Acrobat Reader.  That is the best I can do
for you with this.


I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
But now I know that what I thought I knew
Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000 05:18:37 -0500 WILLIAM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I did it by :
> >
> >         linuxref-book1.rar
> >         linuxref-book1.r00
> >         linuxref-book1.r01
> >         linuxref-book1.r02
> >         linuxref-book1.r03
> >         linuxref-book1.r04
> >
> > Then ran Winrar on those files.
> >
> > don
> > I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
> > But now I know that what I thought I knew
> > Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.
> OK.Newbie question.Newbie question !!!! I have (in Linux) a version 
> of
> rar 2.7 beta3 .I have downloaded ,and when I click on the file I get 
> a
> directory called "rar" which contains a number of readme's(none of 
> which
> have hellped me)
> (well they have "hellped me ,but not "helped" me)After changing the 
> name
> s of the ref books  as told to do ,they all turned into 
> "executables"and
> do not respond to opening(though I may be missing somthing here)so 
> ton
> does the rar and unrar files ,turn into "executables"I have 
> "permission"
> on all of these but no results.My curiosity is peaked I want to read
> theese files what am I doing wrong.Thank you  for your patience.  
> Bill

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