when i try to install the driver for i810 chipsets. i install the rpm first and then install the second which is the source and this is the command:
rpm --rebuild I810Gtt-0.1-5.src.rpm and i get an error message after it scrolls a bunch of stuff across the page. but when i execute the first rpm which the command is:
rpm -Uvh XFCom-i810-glibc2.1-1.0.0-rh60.i386.rpm
and i get ****************** and then i guess that means that it is ok... right? well one more question. when i am told to edit the configuration file am i suppose to delete what they have for graphics in there and enter new or just add on to what they have. cause when i delete it then i get error messages when i start x and it wont let me start it. anyone know whats wrong or been in my same situation?

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