Ann Blackburn wrote:
> 2)How do I get my computer to recognize my 100MB Iomega Zip
> Drive? (parallel)

Ann, from a root console do  'modprobe ppa' (w/o quotes!) to install the ppa
module (needed for your zip).
Then you can check to see if it was installed by doing 'lsmod' (you should now
see the following in the list: parport_probe, parport_pc, ppa, parport).
If those are there, you're ready to mount the zip drive and use it!
(If not, you'll have to get and install the ppa module -- I don't remember where
I got it, but if you need it I can email it to you directly.)

Before you mount the zip, you need to create a mount point in the directory
(e.g., /mnt/zip). So, create the directory, then put a zip disk in the drive and
do the following
mount -t vfat /dev/sda4 mnt/zip

That should get you going.

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