This forum is the correct place for ANY questions if you need assistance
with any of Linux, mostly Mandrake, but we will work with any of them if
we know how.  As far as I can tell from my system even with Mandrake,
YES, you can select what you want installed.  It may NOT install ALL of
the software, but will give you enough to run and test to your hearts
content.  NO, I am not experienced with any of this software, but I have
done about 12 different installs my self to see what worked and what
should be left alone.  If you do the 'SERVER' install, which is the least
amount of software installed, you can then go back and RE-install (as a
fresh install) over that for what ever you like. 

I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
But now I know that what I thought I knew
Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000 20:03:35 -0500 Ronald Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Group,
> System specs,
> P166
> 32 RAM 
> 2.0 GIG HD
> In about 3 months, I will purchase a power PC. Wanted to know if 
> this will
> be enough to run Linux RedHat 6.2 or an older version of Mandrake?
> I can tinker around with Linux until my new system gets here that 
> way I will
> know how to set it up and operate. I apologize if this isn't the 
> right forum for this question.
> Thanks,
> Ron

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