----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2000 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] p.s. root

> In a message dated 03/27/2000 8:51:09 PM Central Standard Time,
> >  You need to pick up a basic book on Linux (or even Unix), it will
> >  >  the concept of security on this operating system.
> >
> >  I've tried this as well...and had no success in understanding the
> >  picked up 'Running Linux,' published by O'Reilly, and don't really
> > understand
> >  anything in it.  We learn better by doing than reading, which is what
> >  trying to do, with very little success.
> >
> Oh ya, there is a Dummies book for Mandrake/KDE...Well any damn fool can
> plunk down 35.00, to read a book, where as a true dummy can fuck around on
> the Mandrake/KDE and learn more, plus interact with this newsgroup....my 2
> cents....

I'd just like to pop down 2 more cents while were all about it!  I don't
know where you're located, but most book stores (Barnes & Noble, Borders,
etc.) have tables and the whole works and don't mind how long you sit and
check out those books before you buy!  (Pretty nice people, if you ask me!)
I like to take advantage of that; it's how I get the information to pass on
to people who can't find the time to read those books!

> 'A Slave To The Drive To Obsession-
> A Spirit With A Vision, Is A Dream With A Mission'
>                                 -Rush 'Mission'
> -Chris
> Rasputin
> http://www.angelfire.com/ne/rasputin1/Rasputin.html

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