Steven Mileham wrote:

> I've been using Samba at Univercity to let be share my drives with other
> people and to mount their shares, but is there I way I can get a "network
> neighborhood" style listing, preferable one that is just a text type thing
> that comes with samba rather than another X program, but I'll take anything!
> Thanks for your time!

smbclient -L machine_name_here

This actually uses netbios calls so the machine named must be on the same
subnet.  Or you must read the man page.  It is quite a flexable program.

I sent my boss a winpopup message using this once that claimed it was a message
from god.  Since I was the only one in the building with enough knowledge to be
able to do this, he figured out who to come see...  (gotta have fun sometime)

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