I know this is not the subject for this Group, just a little hint to be
careful so we still have all here to communicate with each other.......
Word to the wise and not too careful......

--------- Forwarded message ----------

>tell them to clean the tops of the tonic cans they get out of the
>machine...this is awful....
>>>> >
>>>> >A stock clerk was sent to clean up a storeroom
>>>> >at their Maui, Hawaii location.  When he got back,
>>>> >he was complaining that the storeroom was
>>>> >really filthy, and that he had noticed dried mouse
>>>> >or rat droppings in some areas.
>>>> >
>>>> >A couple of  days later, he started feeling like
>>>> >he was coming down with stomach flu, achy
>>>> >joints, headache, and he started throwing up.
>>>> >He went to bed and never really got up.
>>>> >Within two days he was so ill and weak.
>>>> >His blood sugar count was down to 66 and
>>>> >his face and eyeballs were yellow.
>>>> >He was rushed to the emergency at Pali Momi,
>>>> >where they said he was suffering from massive
>>>> >organ failure! He died shortly before midnight.
>>>> >
>>>> >None of us would have ever made the
>>>> >connection between his job and his death,
>>>> >but the doctors specifically asked if he
>>>> >had been in a warehouse or  exposed to dried
>>>> >rat or mouse droppings at any time.
>>>> >
>>>> >They said there is a virus (much like Hanta virus)
>>>> >that lives in dried rat and mouse droppings.
>>>> >Once dried, these droppings are like dust, and
>>>> >can easily be ingested if a person is not careful
>>>> >to wash their hands and face thoroughly, or wear
>>>> >protective gear.
>>>> >
>>>> >An autopsy was conducted to verify the doctors'
>>>> >suspicions.  This is why it is extremely important
>>>> >to ALWAYS carefully rinse off the tops of any
>>>> >canned sodas or foods, and wipe off pasta
>>>> >packaging,cereal boxes, etc.  Almost
>>>> >everything you buy in a supermarket was stored
>>>> >in a warehouse at one time or another, and
>>>> >stores themselves often have rodents.  Most of us
>>>> >remember to wash vegetables and fruit but never
>>>> >think of boxes and cans.  The ugly truth is... even
>>>> >the most modern, upper-class, super store has
>>>> >rats and mice.  And their Warehouse most
>>>> >assuredly does!  Whenever you buy any canned
>>>> >soft drink, please make sure that you wash the
>>>> >top with running water and soap, or if not available,
>>>> >drink with a straw.
>>>> >
>>>> >A brief investigation by the Center for Disease
>>>> >Control in Atlanta of soda cans discovered that
>>>> >the top of soda cans can be encrusted with
>>>> >dried rat's urine which is toxic and lethal!
>>>> >Canned drinks and other foodstuffs are stored
>>>> >in warehouses and containers that are usually
>>>> >infested with rodents and then get transported to
>>>> >the retail outlets without being properly cleaned.
>>>> >
>>>> >Please forward this message to the people you
>>>> >care about.
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