
Last night I was able to complete the Mandrake installation process, and
had setup lilo to boot the system.  Unfortunately, I didin't create a
recovery boot disk.  I started my computer up this morning, and after
post completed, the screen filled with the number 20 over and over
again.  I then got BootMagic in place so that I could boot into Windows
again, and have been trying to go through the installation process
again.  It seems that sometime during the installation process,
something wrote some data to the boot floppy which corrupted the disk
and made it unusable for a second boot installation.  It gets to the
point where it's attempting to load the second stage image, and comes
back with a "mount failed: invalid argument" error.  I've tried making a
new disk image, but the new image stopped mid process during the loading
second stage image and went back to the initializing cdrom message and
kicked out with a cursor prompt.  Am I missing something here?  I would
think having re-made the partitions and boot disk would have been enough
to clean out the last attempt at installation?

Jason Dryer

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