
> Could anyone help me please? I am keen to try Linux for home recording due
> to the instability of Windoze. Firstly let me say that I have absolutely no
> interest in learning how Linux works - I simply want a stable environment in
> which to work. I have a second HD (2g) and would like to turn this over
> entirely to Linux for my recording.

Ok, firstly, if you are a newbie mandrake is for you. You should have no problem (if 
you follow the install instructions) installing mandrake on your second drive, and 
LILO should take care of dual booting for ya. (LILO is the thing that linux normally 
uses to fire itself up).

> Firstly, does anyone know of any good software packages for this purpose? I
> currently use Cool Edit Pro with Windoze. A chap in Germany told me he had
> heard of 'SWave' (apparently similar to WaveLab). I use .wav files for all
> my recording.

One thing you could try if you want to check for software first is go to 
www.freshmeat.net and search their archives for what you are after. A very large 
number of linux proggies get posted there as they are released. Check the desc, if it 
looks interesting go to the homepage and read more. If you can't find something that 
does what you need, maybe changing you windows versions is another option. (ech, i 
gotta wash my mouth out now)

One caveat - try to find yourself a guru (captain spock?) or alternatively someone who 
knows what they are doing in linux - they should be able to help you if you have 
problems. It is not necessary, but can certainly help if you get into any serious 

Other than that, have fun.

Good Luck,

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