Alright....I need a little more help :)

I am running linux Mandrake 7.0 on a box that has the intel i810 graphics chipset 
built into
the board.  (Note:  I would NEVER purchase a mobo with anything like this built in for
myself, but this is my box at work, and I didn't have a choice in that ;) )

Now, the problem is:  I can't get the thing to work properly.  I've gone to the intel 
and gotten the two .rpm's needed for the install, and I've followed the intallation
directions as far as I could.  Here is where I get hung up.  The directions call for 
me to
edit the XF86Config file, to add in the intel chipset.  I have done this, and 
rebooted, only
to have the system hang upon restarting the Xserver.  I gives me a message about the
XF86Config file, and it not recognizing some setting with "My Video Card".  Now I have
checked and re-checked the XF86Config for errors in my editing, but everything was 
done just
as the directions called for.

Does anyone have any insight as to the problem?  Have any of you experienced this 
Any soulutions whatsoever?

Thanks in advance!


P.S. - Thank you to those that helped out with the network card (3c905b) problem, I 
now have
that resolved!

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