> "Rodriguez Jimenez, Luis" wrote:
> I am new using linux Mandrake anh i have troubles to configure my
> network. I don{t know where and how must i do.
> Please help me.
> Luis.

Okay, I _think_ I can help a little.

First, you will need to know:

-your IP number, which looks like xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (e.g.
-your machine name (e.g. luis1 )
-your domain name (e.g. mydomain.com)
-from this you get the full address of your machine (e.g.

also, if you are on a network:
-your gateway number, which looks like xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx and is the IP of
the machine which is -your gateway to the internet
-your subnet mask, which will be something like

ask your system administrator for these.

when you have these details, log in to X and click on the desktop icon
called DrakConf. Then click on network configuration, and enter the
stuff above in the relevant places (mostly basic host information and
name server specification).

That's how I do it; for you it may be different ;)


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