You can download it at:

Something that made it download faster for me (Netscape couldnt' seem to
connect to the FTP server or something) is using wget. So just type "wget",
and let it download. Then once it's completely downloaded, type "tar -xvzf
netscape-v600pr1.x86-unknown-linux2.2.tar.gz" to untar it. Then "cd" to the new
directory, "package/", and type "mozilla". And there ya go, beta Netscape 6. 

I've been using it most of today, and I must say Mozilla is getting better and
better with each build. It's quite a bit stablier than M14 (the last major
build) and it fixed a few bugs with rendering certain sites. it's almost up to
the stablity of Netscape 4.xx, and with it's better features and rendering I'm
considering making it my main browser in Linux. 

> Is there a beta of Netscape 6 for Linux, or is there only one for Windows at
> present?
Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

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