I just signed up for the list (never used Linux before...), but I had a 
similar problem with my US Robotics 56k. The problem was I had the modem 
configured for PnP under Win98 - I reset the jumpers from PnP to Com2 IRQ3 
and I got it working.

Perhaps it's similar for your modem?

- Gabriel

----Original Message Follows----
From: "\[Adrian Hernández\]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [newbie] Problems with an External Modem
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 16:18:59 CDT

Hi everybody!

Ok, i can`t navegate on the internet, because i have a motorola 56k
external, how can i make it work on madrake 6.1?

when i click on "query modem" in kppp, theres just no answer from the
modem,what`s the problem, how can i solve it, the works perfect on win98,
what can I do!!?

Thanks A lot!

Adrian Hernandez


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