For a to me unknown reason, my linux partition an two windows partitions are not seen any more when I boot my computer.I still have lilo boot choice but when i try my linux OS, I get a kernel panic because I cant mount the root (/). In windows, which i can still run (with only my C drive, the first partition on my disk), I only see my Windows partition (Fat partition of 2008 MB) and then an unknown partition of 15MB(probably where the boot info of the lilo and linux is), and then 7516 MB of free space. In these 7516MB should be my linux partition an my SWAP partition and my home partition, and aditional dos partitions. I don't have a rescue diskette that works, so I can't get a linux pompt in any way. Is there a way to get my partitions and all the data back?
Please help!!

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