"Joseph S. Gardner" wrote:

> Jon wrote:
> > Todd Wells wrote:
> > >
> > > My 2nd cdrom is recognized at boot, but unmountable.
> > >
> > > Following the CD-HOWTO, I did this:
> > > #dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/dev/null bs=2048
> > > dd: /dev/cdrom2: Device not configured
> > > #mount /mnt/cdrom2
> > > mount: /dev/cdrom2 is not a valid block device
> > >
> > > The CD-HOWTO says that if the first command (dd if=) doesn't work "then
> > > a possible cause is the device file. Make sure than the device file in
> > > the /dev directory has the correct major and minor numbers as listed
> > > previously for your drive type. Check that the permissions on the device
> > > file allow reading and writing. "
> > >
> > > I'm afraid I don't know how to make sure that the device file has the
> > > correct major and minor numbers.  I assume permissions are not an issue
> > > since I am root when I'm trying to do this.
> > >
> > > Mandrake did detect this CDROM during setup and put an icon on my KDE
> > > desktop for it, but it doesn't work.
> > >
> > > Suggestions?  I'd really like to get this working.
> > >
> > > -Todd
> > >
> > > P.S. I know this CDROM functions in Windows, so it's not a hardware
> > > problem.
> >
> > What kind of CDrom is it?
> > SCSI
> >
> > is it a cdrom burner?
> >
> > /dev/cdrom2 is probably a link pointing to the wrong thing.  Tell us
> > what kind it is and we may tell you it's real name.
> >
> > example:  an ATAPI cdrom set as slave on 2nd E-IDE channel would be
> > /dev/hdd
> I worked an installfest over the weekend and ran into a problem with a
> gentlemans 2nd cd-rom.  It turned out that it was a IDE-CDR and even though it
> was found during boot up as a ATAPI / IDE device Mandrake was seeing it as a
> SCSI device. Once we mounted it as a SCSI all things were happy.
> Joe
> Linux is like a wigwam...
> No windows, no gates.
> Apache inside
> Registered linux user #1696600
> ICQ #63389227

Hello again all ,
M,y thanks to all who offered info in regards to getting my cdrw up and
running,even if it didnt help,your input did at least help keep me running long
enough to get this done "right".All the  entries to  fstab,mtab,linuxconfig,etc
did not turn the trick,what did work ,and took me two months to remember how it
was done the first time ,was two entries in "proc" Being /proc/devices and
/proc/filesystems,and my entering, as root ,these lines ) configured to my
machine so if you try this consider what you have on yours),anyway ,the line was
(is)"/dev/sbpcd /mnt/cdrw iso9660 user,noauto,rw"
This worked for me,though I have to mount the cdrw manually(mount /mnt/cdrw, and
umount /mnt/cdrw)this is not a big problem,as my other cd,the read only, mounts

I had done this some time back but had completly forgotten where I had written it
down or what I had done ,since I have re-installed  Mandrake about twenty
different times over the last three months( that's  an honest assesment)

Anyway I can now die peacfully ,thankyou all again,Bill

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