
I'm having only one general problem (thank goodness) with Mandrake 7 so 
far, but it's a rather annoying one.

Basically, when I went through the Configuring X step, I couldn't get a 
configuration that was pleasant to look at and worked. When I selected my 
monitor (CTX 1562GM, according to the information on the back of the 
monitor, generic according to Windows) and the generic Intel card (the 
nearest configuration I could find to the "Intel 810 chipset", which 
probably means I've got a cheapie video card) with 256 colors or above, the 
screen appeared greatly magnified, and the only way I could get anything 
resembling a decent screen was by using a generic VGA card. Unfortunately, 
it also limits me to 16 colors, leaving things dull and/or ugly (not to 
mention I'm tired of Netscape complaining about my 4-bit depth every time 
it's accidentally activated). I do know it should be possible to get to 256 
colors, since linux reports I have 1 mb of video memory.

A secondary problem I'm having is that windows frequently have their sides 
or bottoms off the screen, making them very hard to resize. I do not know 
if this is related to the above problem.

If someone could point me to a resource I've obviously missed, I'd be very 

Thank you,

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