"Stephen F. Bosch" wrote:
> paul haine wrote:
> >
> > > My suggestion is to change the memory and see if the problem persists.
> > > If it does try a different motherboard, or "down" clock the processor.
> >
> > Already tried the memory changing, still no joy, Linux is as wobbly as ever.
> > As for trying a new motherboard, well, I'm not so desperate to use Linux
> > that I'd make a hardware change of that level. Besides, Win98 installs and
> > runs fine, so I doubt there is a problem there.
> *laughs*
> What motherboard do you have again? You're running an AMD K6/2 -- I'm
> already suspicious (speaking from experience).
> Something is *definitely* wrong with your hardware if Linux is wobbly
> and Win98 is stable.
> -Stephen-

I love my amd k6-2 450 ...  :(

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