Lane....I've been silently following the expert thread you speak
of.  It was my impression that you'd been hacking (I believe you
called it customizing) the init files a bit before your problem
occurred and this was the probable root cause of your problem.

Anyway, I decided to try changing default runlevels on my system
as it has been booting to runlevel 5 since I originally
installed 7.0 and chose to boot straight to X during the
install.  So I edited my /etc/inittab default line from
'id:5:initdefault' to 'id:3:initdefault' and rebooted.  I came
up in console mode signed in, issued a startx, and am now back
in KDE writing this reply.


Lane Lester wrote:
> Michael Scottaline said:
> >  Absolutely NO need to reinstall!!
> >  Even to permanently switch to a non X boot (which I do not believe the
> >  original poster was looking to achieve), a reinstallation is not necessary.
> A
> >  simple edit of /etc/inittab will change the runlevel
> >  id:5:initdefault
> >  Just change the 5 to a 3
> I hope the person who posted the original inquiry will try this and report
> back. My impression is that the people who advise the above (not just you,
> Michael) did not actually install their own Mandrake to run X automatically. I
> did so, and when I wanted to discontinue the autostart, making the above change
> did not have any effect. I am engaged in a long thread on the Mandrake Expert
> list about this, and there is still no understanding about the cause of the
> phenomenon. I got X to quit autostarting by commenting out the last line of
> inittab, but that only breaks the runlevel system.
> I hope no one will be offended, but this problem for me has gone on for a very
> long time, and I'm tired of it. So I will only continue participating in the
> investigation on the Expert list (not that I'm an expert, by any standard).
> --
> Lane
> ____
> Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
> Using Linux to get where I want to go...

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