A tar.gz file is a gzipped tar file. A tar file is a "tape archive" file, which
basically is an uncompressed kind of archive, meaning: it contains a lot of
files, but doesn't compress them. So basically what happens upon creating a
tar.gz file is: all input files get put into one big file, and then this file
gets compressed to occupy less space.

What you have done is: you've unzipped the tar.gz file, and thus extracted the
tar file that was inside. However, you didn't extract anything from within that
tar file. In order to extract all files from a tar.gz file you must use the
following: "tar -zxvf blabla.tar.gz" (you forgot the x). If you've previously
unzipped a tar.gz file, and now only have the tar file, just do "tar -xvf
blabla.tar" and then remove the tar-file (after you checked everything went ok!)

See the "tar" manpage for more info.

On Apr 15 Leanne Leith wrote:

> Okay, I successfully gunzipped some tar.gz files, now I can't access the
> sub-folders in them.  I tried to use tar -zvf without luck, and tar -z all
> sorts of other combinations.  what am I doing wront?
> Not enough hours in the day to learn all this stuff!
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ulyssis system admininstrator       <http://www.ulyssis.org>

The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...


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