>I'm trying to use Eric Raymond's fetchmail. However, I think I have a
>sendmail problem.
>fetchmail (which I've used before on RH5.2 and on SunOS) gets the pop
>mail fine, but then seems to have trouble giving it to sendmail.
>When I run "mailq" I see the messages in there, but they don't get
>to /var/spool/mail
>Sendmail does appear to be running - if I telnet to port 25 on my
>I get a Postfix message.
>Any ideas?
>t " please don't make me read the sendmail book..." k


To check if sendmail is running, you could do a simple "ps aux" command. 
Somewhere between all the processes, there should be a line like "Sendmail-
accepting connections on Port 25".

IF sendmail is running, type "sendmail -q -v"- this should deliver the 
messages from the sendmail-mailqueue to the local users.

At least this is the way how I do it- I´m not that familiar with Sendmail to 
be true- it´s a real monster-program...


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