In /etc/fstab, add "umask=0" w/o quotes as one of the options at the end of hte
partition you want to be writable. Should be right after the other options.
Here's mine for instance: 
 /dev/hdb5 /windows vfat user,exec,nodev,nosuid,rw,conv=auto,umask=0 0 0

And this is another thing Mandrake should do automatically. They mount it
automatically for you right now, so it probally wouldn't be that hard for them
to make it writable to everyone. Or maybe there's a good reason to leave it
defaulted as read only.

> another stumper for me?
> I just wanted to make a new directory on the DOS partition that I could
> put some WP8 files in (because the apostrophe comes out on the printer
> as something stupid in Linux right now) and it said I didn't have
> permission. I checked the "fstab" and hda1 includes "user" in
> permissions. I checked properties by right-clicking on the icon and it
> includes user, group and others for both read and write.
> OK, so I made the directory as super-user, gave it "a+rwx" permissions,
> and still couldn't save a file in it. Access denied. No permission to
> write or what ever....
> Again, what am I missing here?
> Bob
Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

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