Ron....if I were having that problem I'd boot up on tomsrtbt and
run the linux fdisk program:

fdisk /dev/hda

and do a p command to see the partitions.


"Ronald J. Yacketta" wrote:
> Hello all!!
> I have built numerous linux boxes from slackware to mandrake and have yet to
> run into the following problem I am haveing with my recent go at burning the
> LM 7-02 iso and installing from it.
> I have a win95 box i want to dual boot
> I used fips and reduced my C drive down to 3g and freed up 3g to install LM
> onto
> I boot the cd and go through the initial phase (type of install (custome,
> serve,devel etc..))
> and then it dies saying something along  the lines that it can not find a
> free partition
> I boot of a floppy, run fdisk and lone and behold I am only using 50% of my
> drive allowing another os to use the other 50%
> what gives? why does LM 7-02 burnt iso not smart enough to see I have 3g
> available to install in? what do I need todo to get LM to wake up and smell
> the roses???
> Ron

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