Well that would work in win98, but I'm running win2k pro. and winipcfg
doesn't work......
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jaguar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: [[newbie] cable modem]

> In Windows...click the START button, choose RUN, type in "winipcfg" <--
> without quotes...choose MORE INFO, and there are all your IP/DNS/etc
> there...write them down, then in Linux setup NIC/DHCP (not sure myself as
> cable IP is static, and I get by without using DHCP), read the HOWTO's,
> get more confused...then ask for additional help in here...:)
> Jaguar
> "Jacob Aaron Holbrook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ---------------------------------------------
> > Attachment:
> > MIME Type: multipart/alternative
> > ---------------------------------------------
> > I am hooked up through a cable modem through my local provider.  Windows
> detects this and sets it up by itself and this is what the provider
> Is there a way to have Linux do the same because they won't give me any
> information such as host address, ip address ect. because they don't
> Linux.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jacob Holbrook
> The Dogma chased the Stigma, and was hit by the Karma.
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