I still get the exact same error message: "mount: RPC: Program not
I'm very confused, everything seems pretty straight forward.  I've tried
both directions now, I've edited my files by hand, and I've tried using
linuxconf.  Can someone show me the one stupid little thing I'm

Thanks in advance, Mike

flupke wrote:

> Michael Holt wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >     I'm trying to setup NFS with two linux boxes.  I know my hardware
> > connections are correct because I can connect both using Windows.  I'm
> > also able to ping both boxes from each other (using and
> >  I've tried using linuxconf to setup NFS between the two
> > machines, but when trying to mount, I get the following message:
> > mount: RPC: Program not registered
> >
> > Can anyone tell me what to do from here?
> I never used linuxconf to setup nfs. Here is what I did :
> Let's say I want to access the /shared directory of box1 from box2.
> first I edited the /etc/exports of box1 and added the following line :
>         /shared         box2
> then I restarted the nfs daemon :
>         /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs restart
> Then, from box2, I just typed :
>         mount -t nfs box1:/shared /mnt/box1
> And it worked.
> Flupke

The Penguins are coming!!!

Michael Holt

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