I don't know about making your own, probably need some programming
experience?  There's also System Commander, I believe they offer a boot
manager.  I'm using the BeOS boot manager, only drawback with that would
be that you would have to install BeOS to configure it.  You could
uninstall BeOS after that and use partition magic to reclaim the space
and just keep the boot manager.  Probably the easiest thing though would
be to edit your /etc/lilo.conf file and change the labels to a one digit
number for example, so that when you boot, you could just type a single
digit instead of typing a long line.

I don't know if that helped at all, but I am curious, why not use

Evan Holt wrote:

> Hi there, I think the start-up screens for Corel Linux and Storm Linux
> are great, where you get to choose your OS, rather than the cruddy
> text boot manager. Is there any way to make your own (other than using
> BootMagic)? Thanks, Evan

The Penguins are coming!!!

Michael Holt

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