Claus Atzenbeck wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, J D wrote:
> > did you partition your hdd?  or do you have an empty hdd?  are you running
> > any other os's?  if you can, provide a little more info, and we'll see what
> > we can think of.
> Thanks for you mail, also to Eric!
> Yes, there were no partitions available. I had good luck to have also
> SuSE here in order to format my hard drive.
> How would I be able to format my hard drive without any tool except
> Mandrake CD-ROM? The graphical installer provides partitioning hard
> drives befor installing, not so the text installer... :-(
> Regards,
> Claus.
> --
> Atzenbeck. Data structures & design
> 'Martyrdom' is the only way a person can become famous without ability.
>                 -- George Bernard Shaw

I utilise  the TEXT installation of mandrake (redhat) to do anything.
In this mode you can partition your HD with FDISK and DISKDRUID :
first : FDISK to do the  partition; primary and extended.
second: DISKDRUID making mount-points.
After this go to the next menu who ask what mount-point you'll format;
the first time ALL of course.
Create at least following partitions and mount-points:
/boot   (must be primary partition.About 32M, to preserve several
kernels, starting under the 1024st cylinder ) 
/        ( my case also a primary, +- 600-800M)
1 extended for the rest of your HD divided in:
/usr    (the big one, my case 3G)
/usr/local      (needed to preserve own data and programs; no reformat when a
reinstallation has to be done)
/home   (not to be reformat when a reinstallation has to be done, so you
preserve your locally work)
/reserve (to allocate space for later use)

So, this what I had done.

Good luck.

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