Make sure that your using /dev/ttyS1 (if your modem is setup on com 1).  By default 
Kppp uses /dev/modem which is supposed to be a symlink to your com port but more often 
than not it isn't.  To see what tty your com port is.  Open /var/log/messages and look 
for a line that says something like ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq-3) is a 16550A.

What kind of Sound card do you have? you may be surprised there may be a driver that 
is compatible enough to work with it.  I wouldn't make a gaurantee, but you never 
know.  More important than the card name would be the chip its based on.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Adam Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 22:19:50 -0500

>First of, Linux doesn't support my soundcard so that's one thing that I am upset 
>about.  Another thing is I can't get my modem to be recognized.  I know for a fact 
>that it is not a Winmodem.  When I try to configure the modem thru KPPP it gives me a 
>busy signal that the modem is busy.  I can understand that maybe the port is being 
>used by another piece of hardware.  If anyone could help me out I would greatly 
>appreciate it.  Thanks a bunch!!
>                    I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
>                    But now I know that what I thought I knew
>                    Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.
>On Sun, 23 Apr 2000 21:50:19   Francois Massin wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Can you please help me to understand this line of fr Linux code?
>>> scr.Path=(la=="fr")?"C:\\windows\\Menu
>>> Dimarrer\\Programmes\\Dimarrage\\kak.hta":
>>"C:\\windows\\Start> Menu\\Programs\\StartUp\\kak.hta";
>>> Not the javascript or vbscript portion, the French portion?
>> Hi there :)
>>you are answering yourself this question. The second line with C:\\ is
>>the exact replica from the french line.
>>Menu demarrer = Start menu
>>Programmes = Programs
>>Demarrage = Startup
>>BTW: you're infected by the kak virus. If you're interested, I have the
>>whole procedure to eradicate this kak.hta entry.
>>Have a good day
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