> hey, you know what?  I just realised...that it's possible
> that , in order to copy files over to a floppy...in linux...
> I first must RE-FORMAT the disks for the linux OS...
> Is this true?  If so, How do I accomplish this?
> I haven't needed to copy files to a floppy yet...but
> I feel the need to save some important files now...
> and therefore must know how.
You do not need to re-format the floppies, just insure your /etc/fstab file
has a listing for your floppy drive specifing either vfat or dos depending if 
the floppy was formated as FAT32 or FAT 16. I would reccommend vfat.
Joseph H. Perry
Oracle DBA
Columbus State University
4225 University Ave
Columbus, GA 31907-5645
(706) 568-2063

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