
Edit /etc/lilo.conf as root.
Look for a line with append="".
If between the brackets is already something like hdd=ide-scsi type mem=128M
behind it.
Example: append="hdd=ide-scsi mem=128M"

Example without ide-scsi: append="mem=128M"

Then in a console type lilo -v

That should do it.

> Hi Paul!
> Even this is not the first time I deal with Linux (the first time was over 5
> years ago, with Linux Slackware, and the configuration was very very
> hard!!), now I've the same memory problem!
> My Athon 600MHz on a Microstar's motherboard is not able to recognize more
> then 65Mb instead of 128.
> Unfortunately I didn't find any solution yet, so I cannot help you in this
> moment. Nevertheless as soon as I'll be able to do it I'll write to you
> immediately!
> About the network, I never connected together two (or more) Linux
> workstation (I want to do it in the future).
> I hope that if you find a solution for the RAM's trouble before me you will
> write to me.
> Thank you
> Damiano


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