Although I agree with you, I also believe it would really add to the richness of
email if every mail client would understand at least a subset of the HTML
language (no scripting, no funny shit, just the basic tags), or otherwise ignore
HTML tags. This would aid people to better structure their emails. Ok, not
neccessary for short messages, but it could be handy for longer letters, so the
readers can see the structure of the email at the glimpse of an eye.

Anyway, the responsibillity lies with the programmers of the mail-clients
here. They should incorporate the functionality into their programs. As long as
this still sin't the case, I consider mailing in HTML generally a bad thing
also. From the moment all email readers understand HTML though, I see no reason
why people shouldn't mail in HTML. The few people who refuse to upgrade and then
whine about not being able to read these mails can go... Well, you know... Do
the physically impossible thing... ;)

But... Mailing in HTML has some disadvantages as well. For some reason these
HTML-mails always have a font tag to specify the font size... Wouldn't be so bad
if it were _relative_ font size, but for some reason they use _absolute_ font
sizes... Well, I gotta tell you... These small fonts overrule my kmail settings,
and they look very nice in 1600x1200... If you have microscopes for eyes that

Bottom line:  My feelings about this are mixed... I generally consider it a good
thing, as soon as it becomes standard functionality in all email clients. Untill
then, it's a no-no for lists at least...

On Apr 25 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> HTML is for web pages, not for mailing lists.
> many of the people waiting to help you on this list do not have
> or use mailers that respond to HTML
> I have a filter that throws away HTML messages
> I notice since rejoining this list that my trash fills up with
> newbie list messages at breakneck speed.
> Please check your mailers and send in plain text if at all
> possible.  
> Best regards,
> Civileme


Rial Juan                        <>
                e-mail:              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Belgium            tel:                    (++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator       <>

The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...


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