> Just downloaded the Linux version of cthugha from the web - in tar.gz form -
> followed the installation instructions, and as usual, the program doesn't work -
> Can't seem to find the executable, when I do a Find Files in KDE for " cthugha*
> ", I don't find an executable that works - the closest thing I find is
> /usr/local/lib/cthugha-L, which I would assume by it's location is a library
> file - anyway, out of desperation, I tried running that file and got a
> segmentation error... This sort of thing happens every time I compile stuff from
> source - I guess I'm just not comprehending things here...  I used to write c++
> code in DOS, so this really shouldn't be such a problem for me - What am I
> missing????
Are you sure the executable file is not in /usr/local/bin? Sometimes,
this director is not included in the PATH.

You can also look for the executable files that are in the directory
where you compiled the program, to see their name.
Also, if you pay attention while you're doing the "make install", it may
tell you where it is installing all its stuff.


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