Okay I'm just one guy with one computer and
I like to surf and do email.  Is there a way
to monitor ports, and keep away evildoers?
I'm used to Windoze programs like Black Ice,
Zone Alarm and such. I would like to log port
scans and such sniffer activity hitting my
machine while online.  I've read Network HOWTO's
IPchains, and firewalling info's HOWTO's and man
pages.  I have no LAN, no separate 486 machine
for a firewall.  I've #'ed out all my services
and disabled my "super server" (inetd) and tried
to be as "security conscious" as I know how.  There's
a KDE program called kfirewall (front end for ipchains)
but no docs, and as of this morning no website to
get info on how to use it.  What am I missing?
I've looked into Ksnuffle but that seems a bit
extreme for one machine and one very slow (24K)
PPP dialup connection. Any help or ideas would be

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