Hi all,

Some people here have brought up Star Office. I have that on PC2 (I am
using PC1 now, in my little network).
I have to agree that S.O. is bringing things to their knees. My P-II 350
acts rather sluggish loading it, and running it.
If you look for a good wordprocessor, I use
AbiWord. http://www.abisource.com. It is free, and there are ports for all
kinds of Linux, windows, Macintosh, the works. It is still a work in
progress, but the latest version (0.7.9) which I am downloading now, has a
lot of fixes. It contains the essence of wordprocessing (in my eyes).
I don't need all the options of Word (raise hands who uses more than 25%
of the options in there). Nor do I need all the wobbles of Excel. Gnumeric
is enough for me.
But that is off topic.



The fear of death keeps us from living,
not from dying...

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