On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, Robert Trettel wrote:

>     Hi, all
> Have a question and many answers. When installing I setup for the use of
> my whole hard drive 4.3gig
> for Mandrake to use . When I checked using df -k it said only 33% used.
> The reason for my using all the drive is for furture expansion.
> Why didn't it do what I told it to do also , how do I correct this.
> Willing to do a reinstall if nessary.
> Tried to setup my drive with Partition Magic 4.0 ,but have problems
> setting separate partitions for Linux
> ( root,user, home and such).
> Please anybody out there that has a good idea let me know.
> I am going to get this setup right if it kills me. ROTFL
I wouldn't bet my hand on it, but I'm pretty sure your whole HD has been
partitionned with ext2 file systems.
The 33% you see are no doubt the used space on those partitions. That
means that you still have 66% of your drive to add parsonnal datas or
To be absolutely sure, you could post the output of the 'df -h' and 'cat
/proc/partitions' commands.


> Thanks
> Robert F. Trettel

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