I've been trying to install mandrake linux for over a week now. After
removing half of my RAM (Different timing caused ramdrive
crash) Changing my processor from CYRIX to AMD i still cant install

When i boot from cd (GOLDSTAR 8X ATAPI cdrom) i get halfway through
the install then DrakX freezes on me. If i try the autoboot it wont
detect my cd (allthough i started it from the cd), I have also tried
the hd boot floppy but then in second stage install it gives me
"installation exited abnormaly code 9" or something. I think i've
seen an error message on one of the screens "No space left on
device" which is very odd, since i have approx 15GB free discspace on
the HD i wish to install to.

I know my machine is old, but do i really have to buy a new one to
install linux?!? Mandrake claims to support all of my hardware:

AMD-k6 200MHZ
IDE Harddrive IBM 20 GB
IDE Harddrive Seagate 2 GB

I have downloaded a new hd bootdisc image and will try again
tonight, but if anyone can help me please let me hear from you.

        Jimmi J. Wimmersjö.

        "Ni vet, Hjärnan , den slutar aldrig att fungera!"

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