> I can't telnet into my newly configured mandrake box, but I can surf from
> it. I could when it was RedHet 6.0. What is likely to be the problem?

Check that the telnet-server package is installed.
(rpm -qa |grep telnet might help you...)

I have also seen some great things with the security settings.  If you are
truly new to Linux, and are just messing around with a home box, I
recommmend using the crackers welcome approach for the first while.  It will
give you the freedom to roam through your box without having to stop and
start services all the time.

If you went with HIGH or PARANOID security settings you may have to make
sure that telnet is not commented out in /etc/inetd.conf and that the
computer you are trying to telnet from is listed in your /etc/hosts.allow
file like so=

in.telnetd:  xxx.xxx.xxx.0/ (for an entire subnet)
in.telnetd: (for a specific computer addey)

Speaking Freely:  Telnet is just not a good option for any kind of computer
comms.  Very easy to eavesdrop on and collect information about the network
you are on.  Passwords and usernames are snatched with ease, and before you
know it, YOU could be locked out of your box.  I seriously recommend going
to ssh1 or ssh2.  There are quite a few programs out there (very few are
free) that will allow you to do this.  If you are attempting to connect from
a windows box, PUTTY.exe is a great start, although not very robust...its
free :)
Secure CRT is my prefered ssh client from a windows enviroment..you can test
it out for 30 days on www.vandyke.com

If you have any more questions about this...I am not an expert, but I am
learning just as you and would be happy to discuss security issues and


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